NVIDIA CEO Says He Wouldn't Start Company If He Could Do It Again

Jensen Huang talks about NVIDIA and shares insight into the industry. 

Nowadays NVIDIA is one of the largest tech companies in the world, producing cutting-edge GPUs and other powerful hardware. It never stops developing, and its continuing efforts in the popular AI field prove it. Its CEO Jensen Huang has done a lot for the industry, but if he could go back in time, would he do anything differently?

In a recent episode of the Acquired podcast, Huang made an unexpected confession. If he found himself in 1993 again knowing all that he knows now, he would not start a company at all.

"I wouldn't do it," he said. "Building NVIDIA turned out to have been a million times harder than I expected it to be, any of us expected it to be. At that time, if we realized the pain and suffering and just how vulnerable you're going to feel and the challenges that you're going to endure, the embarrassment and the shame and the list of all the things that go wrong, I don't think anybody would start a company, nobody in their right mind would do it."

Quite a depressing thought, but it just shows that success and prosperity hide challenges that not everyone can overcome, and even the biggest bosses in the world might have serious regrets.

Huang goes on to say that an entrepreneur's "superpower" is not knowing how difficult their goal is and asking themselves. "How hard can it be?" – Huang's motto he tricked himself into thinking with every project.

Image credit: Acquired

He brings up many interesting points about establishing and growing a company in the video. NVIDIA positions itself "in a way that serves a need that usually hasn't emerged" so when the market appears, there aren't many competitors there.

From Huang, we can learn that you should always be near opportunities and create moats through an ecosystem to keep growing and be on top of your game. 

"Oftentimes, if you created the market, you ended up having what people describe as moats. Because if you build your product right... and it enabled an entire ecosystem around you to help serve that end market... you've essentially created a platform.

"If you were mindful about helping the ecosystem succeed with you, you ended up having this network of networks, and all these developers and all these customers who are built around you."

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