Substance 3D Designer 12.4 Is Now Available

The update focuses on quality-of-life improvements, adding a new tool to clean a graph, the ability to use basic formulas to set parameters, a button to generate a random seed, and more.

Adobe has shipped Substance 3D Designer 12.4, an updated version of the company's 3D material creation software. The new update focuses primarily on quality-of-life improvements, adding a new tool for cleaning a graph, the ability to use basic formulas to set parameters, a button to generate random seeds, and the widget for locking the width and the height of the Output Size, and brings the full support of Substance model graphs through the Python API.

The Clean Graph tool added by the update brings a new option to automatically detect and delete nodes that are not connected to an output. The tool also works with parameters functions and can be launched on the current graph through the dedicated button.

Next, the new version of the software adds the ability to enter basic formulas like additions, divisions, mutliplications or subtractions when setting a numeric value for a parameter in the Properties and other places in the application.

Substance 3D Designer 12.4 also includes the full support of Substance model graphs through the Python API, adding all the required tools to create, edit, or evaluate Substance model graphs.

The update also features:

  • Quick access buttons in the 3D View: An additional toolbar in the 3D view corresponding to all the options available in the Display menu, for quick access to all these options (E.g., Wireframe, Grid, Bounding Box, etc.) as button toggles and a toggle to show/hide the environment map.
  • Button to generate a Random Seed: You can now quickly create different variations by using a new button to generate the random seed for your graph, instead of moving a slider.
  • Lock for the Output Size widget: You can now lock the width and the height of the Output Size in order to make sure to keep a square size and avoid manipulating the two values each time you want to update them. 
  • Transform image input to Color/Greyscale: Quickly switch between an Input Color and an Input Greyscale through the node contextual menu.
  • Select clicked pin when displaying the Gradient Editor: In the property panel, if you click a pin to edit a gradient, you will now automatically select the corresponding pin in the displayed Gradient Editor.
  • And more!

You can read the full list of new features by clicking this link. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platformour Reddit page, and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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Comments 1

  • Martinez Reynante

    Great news indeed! More power to the SD team.


    Martinez Reynante

    ·10 months ago·

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