80 Level Ratings: Best YouTube Channels on VFX in Unreal Engine

In today's 80 Level Rating, we collected 7 fantastic YouTube channels for those who want to learn how to make visual effects in Unreal Engine.

Hello everyone! Here on 80 Level, we know very well that among all the branches of digital art, one of the most challenging is the art of producing high-quality visual effects. An artist can spend hundreds of hours learning the necessary animation, composition, and shader skills only to understand that there is still much to learn. Because of the demanding nature of VFX art, many aspiring artists might feel alienated and discouraged, leaving the world without the stunning effects they could have produced.

That's why it is so important to know where to find informative content related to the art of visual effects. Sometimes, one tutorial can explain more than an entire series. To help aspiring VFX Artists, we collected seven great YouTube channels filled to the brim with top-quality tutorials, courses, and guides that will help you to get the hang of the art of visual effects. This particular Rating is dedicated to VFX in Unreal Engine, if UE is not your engine of choice, we recommend checking out our VFX in Unity 80 Level Rating.

Unreal Engine

As per our tradition, we will begin the Rating with the software's official YouTube channel, which is usually the best place to learn everything there is to learn about working with certain software. Unreal Engine's official YouTube channel is a great source of tutorials and courses for all kinds of artists, including, of course, VFX Artists. Led by talented creators, the channel's VFX tutorials will be helpful for both beginners and seasoned veterans. You will study the general VFX workflow in Unreal, learn more about the engine's VFX tools Niagara and Cascade, and much more.


Our next pick is the amazing channel CGHOW which belongs to Real-Time VFX Artist Ashif Ali. This entire channel is dedicated to Niagara, Unreal Engine's next-generation VFX system. Explosions, rays, bursts, projectiles, water, fire – Ashif has made them all and, more importantly, explained how to make them in an understandable and begginer-friendly format. No matter what effect you want to make, this channel will definitely be helpful for you.


The next channel of today's Rating is the one and only UnrealCG, a renowned channel for artists to learn more and evolve their Unreal Engine workflow. While not being entirely dedicated to visual effects, the channel is still the go-to place if you want to create VFX in UE4 and UE5. On this channel, you will find countless tutorials and courses that will expand your knowledge tenfold and show some interesting techniques you can use in Unreal Engine's Niagara.

Yoeri -Luos- Vleer

Next up, we have a channel that belongs to Yoeri Vleer, a VFX Artist and an amazing Tutorial-maker. The entire channel is fully dedicated to VFX in Unreal, as well as demonstrates the artist's personal VFX projects. The author describes the channel as such: "This channel is mostly about particle effects." So, if you feel that the topic of particles is your calling, definitely check out this channel.


The next channel of today's Rating belongs to 3D Artist Rimaye, known primarily for creating top-notch visual effects for Unreal Engine Marketplace. On this channel, the artist explains the workflow behind some of them, showing how to set up amazing VFX using UE4 and Niagara. From rainbows to blood, to ice and fire – this channel will demonstrate how to make all of them and more.

UNF Games

Our next pick is the UNF Games YouTube channel, a great source of UE knowledge in general. The mission of this channel is to show aspiring Game Developers insightful techniques they can use to set up physics, effects, environments, and characters in Unreal Engine 4 and 5. And, of course, the channel has numerous tutorials related to the art of VFX that show how to set up various cool effects. So, if you want to create VFX for games, this channel will definitely help you out.

VFX Apprentice

And finally, we have an amazing channel with heaps of VFX-related content called VFX Apprentice. Regardless of your tools of choice and experience, this channel will be a helpful source of knowledge that will push your skills to the next level. On this channel, you will find an insightful 4-part series that will teach you basic-to-advanced principles of VFX. A perfect channel for aspiring artists.

These were our picks for this UE VFX-themed list. Do you agree with our list? What channels should we have added here? What inspired you to learn the art of visual effects? Leave your thoughts down in the comments below or on our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, on Instagram or Twitter.

Published 08 April 2022
Theodore McKenzie
Senior Editor