Adobe Launched Substance 3D Designer 13.1
The software gets a bunch of quality-of-life improvements.
Look at This Volumetric Lego Generator Created In Substance 3D Designer
Maxime Guyard-Morin has walked us through the Lego Generator project, providing a detailed overview of the pipeline involved in incorporating volume and depths, and shared his workflow in Substance 3D Designer.
How to Set Up a Procedural Mosaic Generator in Substance 3D Designer
Rebecca El Cheikh created a new generator in Substance 3D Designer and shared with us how it was made.
How to Create an Italian Ceiling Material 100% in Substance 3D Designer
Cino Lai showcased a new incredible 3D material and shared an in-depth breakdown explaining how it was made.
A New Open-Source Tool for Making 3D Materials
QuiltiX is a node-based MaterialX editor.
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Creating Hyperrealistic Wood Material for a Rifle in Substance 3D Painter
Ivan Popov walked us through the process of making a wood material for a rifle, showed the texturing steps, and explained the rendering process that would make the result look realistic.
Creating Post-Apocalyptic Wood Smart Materials in Substance 3D Painter
Javad Rajabzade has returned to 80 Level to share the breakdown of the post-apocalyptic wood Smart Materials, showing how they were made in Substance 3D Painter.
Creating Batteriy Pile Material Using Blender & Substance 3D Tools
Antoine Déjean told us how the battery pile material was made, explained how the simulation was done in Blender, and shared some tips for beginner artists.
Creating Procedural Fishing Nets Material in Substance 3D Designer
Dima Aminev shared the workflow behind the procedural fishing nets material and showed the details added to make it look realistic.